Wild Video Shows Killer Whales Sinking Boat Full of Fishermen

YouTube: Le Télégramme

Some Orcas had a whale of a time trying to find fish in a boat. In fact, they were willing to sink the thing just to get a taste of what might be on board.

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That included the fisherman, who went down with the ship (well, boat) and were eventually circled by the Orcas, as a video via Best of Life revealed.

The French boat was sailing north of Porto when the whales got ahold of it.

“They came to bite into it several times, until the hull, at the level of the rudder, gave way, and caused a leak in the boat, and then it’s sinking,” the skipper Elliot Boyard said, via Best of Life. The crew managed to escape on a life raft and are thankful to have escaped unharmed. Here’s what video footage of the incident shows.”

Killer Whales Sink Boat Full of Fishermen

Thankfully for the fishermen, the whales eventually decided to pursue other interests.

“I was at the helm and there was a very big impact against the ship because of five to seven orcas who persisted in attacking the rudder of the boat,” Boyard said. “They came to bite into it several times, until the hull, at the level of the rudder, gave way, and caused a leak in the boat, and then it’s sinking.”

“… There was a little panic that came when we realized we were going to sink. At that time, we got into the water in the life raft, with the orcas around. But by the time we left the boat, they were no longer there.”

In all seriousness, this is so terrifying. These poor fishermen must have been scared out of their minds. Imagine a WHALE just coming up to you aggressively starting to hit you. Yeah no thanks, we rather stay away from the ocean for a while.

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