There’s a protest event to “Throw Paper Towels at Trump Tower” so will you be there?

Image Via Facebook Event

A genius by the name of Ana Miranda garnered thousands of likes after posting a Facebook event to ‘Throw Paper Towels At Trump Tower’ – which is coming up in ten days.

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Miranda was met with her fair share of praise but also criticism with one commenter saying the following…

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“Ana Miranda It appears as though 2k attendees will be present. While you intend it to be a joke, many did not perceive it a such….please consider deleting and or canceling the event.”

The event was to raise awareness in Puerto Rico and raise money for those in need.

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In the “About” section, Miranda had clarified the gag with:

“No paper towels will be thrown. They were never going to be thrown. It was a joke.” Email:

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