Intruder of a Harris County home puts on a show when he thinks no one is looking

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What appeared to be an aspiring rapper gave a passionate performance at an unexpected venue: a stranger’s front porch. The unidentified man pulled his car into the driveway of Tony Willis’ west Harris County, reportedly knocked on the door and tried to enter the house.

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The motion sensor inside the doorbell triggered a hidden camera connected to Willis’ phone through the Ring app, which gave the homeowner a real-time view to the live performance occurring on his porch.

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“So I pulled [the video] up and sure enough, here is this guy banging on the door,” Willis told a local TV station. “You can see he tries the door first, tries to get in, then banging on the door, then he goes from banging on the door to where he kind of leads into singing a rap song, which was odd.”

Willis also noticed another oddity about the spur-of-the-moment performance.

“He never looked at the camera, so it wasn’t like he was performing for the camera. He was just performing for my front door. I have no idea why or what he was doing,” Willis said.

Willis also offered high praise for the man’s skills as a performer.

“It’s funny because it had a good outcome.” Willis said. “He was actually pretty good, maybe he had problems with his decision-making skills.”

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The wannabe rapper was freestyling his original verses, as well as performing “Shed So Many Tears” from the classic album of the late Tupac Shakur, “All Eyes on Me.” With the help of this video, all eyes were on him, including those of the neighbors, who called police and arrested him.

The man was charged with resisting arrest and having a controlled substance.

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