Target Loses $9 Billion in a Week Following Calls For Boycott Over LGTQ-Friendly Children’s Clothing

(Photo by Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images)

Target CEO Brian Cornell claimed that showcasing the Pride merchandise was “the right thing for society.” Well, it appears that society says otherwise. Since setting up the Pride displays, Target has lost -$9 Billion- in market value.

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After apparently living under a rock and missing the whole Bud-Light ordeal, Target is setting itself up for a similar fate. Wednesday of last week, May 17th, Target’s market capitalization was living right at $74.3 billion. In one week the company has experienced a 12% plummet, making its current value closer to $65 billion. Ouch.

So what exactly did Target do to disturb the majority of consumers? “Since introducing this year’s collection, we’ve experienced threats impacting our team members’ sense of safety and well-being while at work,” Target said according to the New York Post. The ‘collection’, as Target calls it, is a line of trans-affirming swimwear and displays that push the woke agenda upon shoppers, and more specifically, their children.

Target Loses $9 Billion in a Week

Some of the displays include children sporting rainbow-colored swimwear, used to market Pride month. To make this clearer, what could have been considered fun colored swimsuits for children years ago are now being used to sexualize them. What is more alarming however are the “tuck-friendly” outfits.

The term refers to women’s swimsuits that are expanded in the crotch area to accommodate for male wearers who have yet to remove their God-given male parts in a gender transformation surgery. Try explaining that to your toddler on your weekly Target run! Yikes.

Thankfully many are standing up for their children. Having ‘expected more’ of Target, consumers are now definitely ‘paying less’, in other words, boycotting the company. Target has started moving the displays away from the entrance yet this seems to be too little too late.

Read More: Bud Light ‘Woke Beer’ Has Started A Financial-Free Fall

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