5-Year-Old Ingeniously Pranks His Mom on Facetime to Get out of Homeschooling

Love What Matter via Laura Mazza

This kid is for sure going places. The eldest son of social media mom blogger, Laura Mazza, has foreshadowed the kind of mischievous activities he’ll be getting into when he’s older. And boy, is his mom in for it. Luca Mazza, 5-years-old, came up with a genius way to fool his mom out of his homeschooling.

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Ever since the coronavirus pandemic put everyone on lockdown, school closings have forced all students (elementary, high school, college, etc.) to do their school work with online classes. This kind of social distance learning has really put a strain on parents everywhere because COVID-19 has forced them to take on extra roles. And with the coronavirus outbreak, Zoom and Facetime calls have been bridges to keeping the world moving.

Laura Maaza, known through social media as a popular mom blogger, shared a specific prank that Luca played on her during one of his homeschooling sessions. As she was doing her work one day in her makeshift at-home desk, she kept Luca on a Facetime so that it would be easier for him to reach out to her if he had a question during his homeschooling. Although suspiciously quieter than usual, she told him through Facetime that he could take a break. She didn’t know if the phone froze or what, because Luca was making a funny face on the phone but not moving. What she found was so innovative, you have to respect it.

Love What Matters vía Laura Mazza

Laura went upstairs to check on him and came upon quite the setup. With no Luca to be found in front of his online classes, Laura found two Ipads set up. Luca had set up his sister’s Ipad, with his own selfies, right in front of the camera of his own. His mom had thought that he had been paying attention to his online classes when really he was playing a prank on her!

He took multiple selfies on his sister’s Ipad to make it look like he was working on school while he went to go play with his toys. With as many memes out there about putting a still picture of yourself in front of your camera during a work Zoom or Facetime call, how are we surprised that a 5-year-old would apply that to his own schoolwork? Hilariously genius, Luca.

Watch out, Laura! You might have a trouble maker on your hands when he hits his teens.

Watch: Study Finds Children With Working Moms Grow Up Just As Happy As Children With Stay-At-Home Moms!

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