Nothing’s more dangerous than an Aussie swearing at a speedboat

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Warning: This video contains foul NSFW language.

Videos By Rare

According to the description on this ViralHog video filmed in Australia, the person who filmed it was “fishing in a quiet, skinny creek,” when a speedboat came roaring towards him.

The speedboat crashes into a tree-covered bank, but that’s not the funny part (thankfully nobody was hurt, so you’re definitely allowed to laugh at it in hindsight). The funny part is the fisherman’s foul-mouthed reaction.

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Shocked by the sight of a huge boat speeding towards him, the Aussie fisherman utters a few profanities that would sound pretty mundane coming from most other accents.

Don’t drive a speedboat unless you know how to, especially if you’re speeding towards an ornery Aussie.

From the uploader adsastheone on YouTube:

Language Warning! This is what happens when people don’t take care in their boat! I completely understand the enjoyment from clowning around. But, there is a time and a place. It is never okay to travel at this speed in narrow water, especially when you don’t know what’s ahead! This could have ended in significant tragedy. Thankfully the boat veered to avoid me, but they could have been seriously injured themselves.


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