What happened while a teen was roasting marshmallows landed her in a coma

CBSMiami screenshot

“The only part of her body that was not burned was the bottom of her feet.”

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Leigh Chesney of Miami provided a heartbreaking update regarding her 14-year-old daughter, Layne Chesney. CBS Miami reports that the teen was placed in a medically induced coma after suffering third-degree burns to almost 95 percent of her body.

The teenager was roasting marshmallows in a New Year’s Eve bonfire at the time of her accident, according to CNN Wire. Someone, either the teen or one of her friends, was using a gas canister on the fire as it died out when the container exploded. The teen was immediately “engulfed in flames.”

A friend and his parents helped put the fire out. A police report said they covered Layne in “blankets and towels” and tried to keep her cool with water from a hose.

She was taken to Lawnwood Regional Medical Center in Fort Pierce and then air-lifted to Kendall Medical Center in Miami. Since that time, she’s been placed in a medically-induced coma and has undergone numerous surgeries, including an eight-hour operation to remove dead skin from her chest and stomach. She was also treated for a collapsed lung and a blood clot.

“She’s going to have a very difficult, long battle,” her mother said. “She is going to have many, many setbacks. Some days difficult and some days better. They can’t make any promises. They are doing the very best that they can.”

Her softball teammates set up a prayer vigil, and a GoFundMe has since been set up for the family. The donations page said the family was going through a “dark” time.

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