A teacher thought he could escape a rumor involving himself and a student by transferring schools

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Corey Michael Sweat plead guilty to having sex with a student during the 2015-2016 school year.

Sweat taught at Chapel Hill High School in Douglas County, Ga., but invited the student to his house in Carroll County, Ga., reports FOX 5. The interactions took place on approximately five different occasions.

When rumors first began, Sweat simply transferred to West Forsyth High School. But they quickly caught up to him when the student spoke to school resource officer Sgt. Jesse Hambrick.

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Hambrick recalled that the student “had information that would corroborate her story of what happened, nothing concrete but enough to have to continue the investigation.”

“A lot of people the first thing they ask is was it consent or not consent. There is no consent that’s why the law is the way it in. Anytime someone has custodial authority over that other person, whether it be a jail setting, a teacher, someone who has authority over that person. There’s too much pressures, too many thing in play emotionally, that can’t be consensual situation,” said Assistant District Attorney Anne Allen.

Sweat faced 20 years in prison with a requirement to serve 8, but was eventually sentenced to 10 years in prison with a requirement to serve 2.

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