A former NFL cheerleader became a teacher and handed out awards that have parents outraged

Fox 26/screenshot, Twitter/Stacy_HTC

A second student has come forward regarding an offensive end-of-year mock award celebration initiated by a teacher who honored one student with the “Most Likely to Become a Terrorist” award.

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The second student said she got an award for being “Most Likely to Blend in with White People.”

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According to Fox 26, the teacher at Anthony Aguirre Junior High School in Houston is Stacy Lockett, who has professed on social media to be a former cheerleader for the Houston Texans of the NFL.

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The student, Sydney Caesar, 13, revealed her eyebrow-raising award following the awards presentation on Tuesday. Her classmate, Lizeth Villanueva, had earlier come forward with the award Lockett bestowed upon her: “Most Likely to Become a Terrorist.”

“Where is the common sense in that? I mean, how can you think that it is OK to say it in the first place and then right after a major event has happened. It just doesn’t make any sense,” Cesar’s sister Lauren Easton told Fox 26. “I feel really bad for her because I saw her in class, she was really upset about it and she just wouldn’t talk at all for the rest of the day.”

She said her sister was so upset about the award that she skipped the following day.

The girl’s mother, Latonya Robinson, said she wants the Channelview ISD to take action against the teacher beyond suspending her for the remainder of the school year. The teacher is said to be part of the Avid program, a college prep class.

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“For that child to either be called a terrorist or she’s not black enough, basically now the students are taking that and that’s her label for the rest of the school year,” Robinson said. “Everyone doesn’t believe that this is real. But yes, this certificate shows that this is real. This happened. And we have enough bullying as it is by other students, now it’s being done by a teacher.”

The school district released the following statement:

The Channelview Independent School District would like to emphasize that a recent incident where insensitive and offensive mock awards presented to students are in no way associated with the AVID College Readiness System or the AVID Center. Channelview ISD does not support this type of recognition under any circumstances and the placement of the AVID logo on these certificates was an error. At no time was the AVID program itself involved in this unfortunate incident.

The AVID System is an outstanding college readiness model that has led to continued high levels of student achievement in Channelview ISD. AVID’s system has benefited hundreds of thousands of students worldwide since 1984. Working together with the AVID Center, Channelview ISD’s AVID system provides intensive support to students with tutorials, positive peer groups, and college-readiness skills.

Channelview ISD would like to reassure the community that this incident does not reflect the many good things going on in our district. The district does not condone the incident that occurred and we are taking this matter very seriously.

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