Man Recounts ‘Beautiful Experience’ After Dying for 20 Minutes

A man who was pronounced dead for 20 minutes has come out to talk about his experience. While in a hospital and legally dead, 28-yr-old Scott Drummond had a beautiful experience that changed his life forever. Speaking with Wesly Lapioli of Prioritize Your Life, Drummond describes the life-changing experience nearly 40 years later.

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With his wife of 45 years by his side, Drummond talked about what he’s considered to be a “private and sacred” story. He decided to talk about it with the public because of COVID-19 and how death has become a major fear for many people. While pronounced dead, Drummond had an out-of-body experience and believes he saw God.

Near-Death Experience Proved Existence of God, Says Drummond

“It changed my life,” he said of the experience, tears in his eyes. “It changed the way I think about things. It changes the way I think about my wife…. I’m not perfect. I’ve got a lot to learn in life. My life has taken me in a whole different direction since I was 28 years old. It’s kind of brought me closer to my father in Heaven. I know there’s a God. I know without a shadow of a doubt.”

Drummond broke his thumb in a freak accident while standing in a lift line in Park City, Utah. His thumb had come out of the socket, but he decided to keep skiing anyways. But by the end of the day, he realized he needed medical attention.

So, Drummond scheduled an operation. During surgery, a nurse made a dangerous mistake while applying his tourniquet. While closing and opening the valves, she forgot to utilize the proper procedure, which resulted in Drummond’s heart no longer beating.

Drummond Was Legally Dead For 20 Minutes

“All of a sudden, I had a sensation of something going up my arm. It crossed into my heart and next thing I knew I was above my body, watching the operation.

“What was unique about it was, I wasn’t by myself. I had someone right beside me, watching. And I don’t know if this is normal or not, but I watched every stitch that was put into my thumb.

“I watched the nurse go running out of the room saying that ‘I killed him.’”

Drummond said he never saw the person next to him, but he could feel him.

“We sat there and watched the operation… We watched how serious the doctor was about finishing the surgery on my thumb… Something that was supposed to be a very simple operation ended up being not so good in the end.”

During Near-Death Experience, He Says God Spoke to Him

Drummond was then told that it was “time to go.”

Drummond was then taken to what he describes as a field with unusual trees and very tall, beautiful wildflowers. The person who was with him in the operation room brought him to the field and then left, leaving him alone.

“I was not allowed to look back. But in front of me… was a white cloud… And all of a sudden, in my mind, I started watching a video of my life. And I saw it from the day that I was born until I was 28 years old. Everything. Everything that I’d done in my life. Good, bad, it didn’t matter. Because what mattered was, that’s what I was being judged on was what I had done.

“I remember some of it hurt. Some of it made me feel good.”

Drummond said that at the time, his life priorities were based in making money. But sometime during this near-death experience, he realized that he’d been selfish.

“Knowing that everything that I was doing was for myself and not for my family…. I think probably out of all of that that I watched… Some was good, some was bad, but I knew that I had to do better with my life. I remember all of a sudden just being so peaceful after it was all over. It was real. There was no fake stuff.”

Drummond’s Life Flashed Before His Eyes

He said that after he saw his life flash before his eyes, he knew he was dead. Then he walked up to a white cloud and an arm came through and reached for him.

Then a voice said, “It is not yet your time, you have more things you have to do.”

Drummond then returned to his body. He said that when he was conscious again, the doctor said “there was a war going on inside” his body.

That’s when he learned that there had been a piece of paper on his chest, officially pronouncing him dead, for 20 minutes.

Drummond said that the near-death experience left him with a profound sense of peace for three days. And that peace is something that he’s never forgotten.

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