Tom Hanks Helped Pay For The Iconic ‘Forrest Gump’ Running Scene Himself

Forrest Gump Tom Hanks

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Tom Hanks is hailed by so many as an amazing actor. The rest of his films have always been wildly successful Hollywood blockbusters, including Cast Away, The Polar Express, Saving Private Ryan, Catch Me If You Can, and many more.

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A Big Budget Film Still Needed Some Extra Cash

While they are all well-loved, Forrest Gump seems to be in a field of its own. The film is based on a novel by Winston Groom of the same name and was adapted by Eric Roth. The movie starred Robin Wright as Jenny Curran, Mykelti Williamson as “Bubba” of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company), Gary Sinise as Lt. Dan Taylor, and of course Forrest’s’ “life is like a box of chocolate” quoting mama, Sally Field who’s raising her boy in Alabama. While watching Forrest’s life on screen, American History plays out in front of him. From time because of him from sh*t happens to ping pong’s popularity, serving in the Vietnam War, Watergate scandal, meeting Beatle John Lennon, and drawing from Elvis’ inspiration. The latter was a young Forrest, portrayed by Michael Conner Humphreys.

Run Forrest Run!

The most memorable scene from the 1994 Forrest Gump, without any question, is the cross-country run. The 7-minute sequence and almost didn’t make it in the movie.

Director Robert Zemeckis told Hanks that the studio couldn’t afford the scene, which wasn’t doable. In the award-winning actor’s words, he said.

 “And Bob said, ‘It’s too important a part of the movie just to cut. We can make this work.’ And they said, ‘No, you can’t.’” From there, Director Robert Zemeckis and Hanks decided to split the cost of the scene. In return, Paramount Pictures offered to give more of the film’s profits to the both of them. Hanks was bumped up to a collaborator on the movie and was allowed in during the editing and the shaping of Forrest Gump’s character portrayal. That year Forrest Gump grossed second only to The Lion King, making 683 million at box offices and winning multiple Academy Awards for Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Picture best visual effects for those CGI legs). That year, Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction were all in the running. [Personally, I would’ve voted Pulp Fiction. But, Alas].

 Strangely enough, looking back, Hanks called the movie a “crapshoot” following with “It’s a really crazy, unique motion picture without a doubt.” Which is true. And in some ways, the film is charming and should make you smile. Because, hey, Tom wasn’t out there running for free!

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