Protestor Hurls Pizza At City Hall Over Oven Ban, Now Called ‘The New York Pizza Party’ (Video)

Twitter: Scot Lobaido

In a New Yorker’s take on the Boston Tea Party of 1773 that pushed us toward the American Revolution, a true patriot protested the new anti-pizza ordinances.

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In New York City, someone decided that in order to save the planet from a terrible fate, the city should enforce laws to limit and even ban coal and wood-fired pizza ovens. According to Outkick, New York City’s Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for the simply un-American ordinances.

They claimed that the stoves: “are among the largest contributors of harmful pollutants in neighborhoods with poor air quality.” As we all know, pizza ovens will be the end of the world. Common sense begs to differ however, as does Mr LoBaido, the man fed up with the oppressive rules.

The ordinances have supposedly come about due to the ever scamming climate change agenda. In reality, someone high up in New York must have something against pizza.

American Patriot Single-Handedly Starts ‘The New York Pizza Party’

To combat the tyranny, LoBaido took four deliciously prepared pizzas and hurled them, piece by piece over the gate of city hall. He shouted his version of founding father Patrick Henry’s words: “Give us pizza or give us death!”

LoBaido is ashamed that his fellow New Yorkers are no longer seen as the “tough, thick-skinned and gritty” people they once were. He argued that: “The woke a** idiots who run this city are doing everything in their power to destroy it.” What better place to start than with demoralizing the people by taking away one of America’s favorite foods?

Eventually the man was shut down by the police but has since tweeted that he’s: “All good,” and that he got by with only a summons.

Thankfully there are still at least a few patriots with common sense left in the Big Apple. There’s still hope, and pizza for now.

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