A dramatic rescue was caught on camera amid warnings to stay out of the water

YouTube/Scott Wilson

A young man’s rescue from rushing waters was captured on camera.

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The rescue begins as the young man sits in the middle of a powerful flood. A group throws him a line from the shore and pulls him in when he grabs on to it. The video ends with cheers from onlookers.

RELATED: Officials: If your house is flooding, go to the roof, not the attic

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and other city officials appeared on television to warn residents not to leave their houses amid flash flooding.

Dangers in the water include downed power lines, dangerous debris, alligators and even fire ants.

FEMA Director Brock Long estimated that it would take years for residents to recover from what the National Weather Service’s National Hurricane Center is calling “catastrophic” flooding. More information to assist those in the middle of floods is available here.

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