Stephen Colbert relentlessly mocks Trump’s bizarre “both sides” press conference in his hastily rewritten monologue

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President Donald Trump is facing heat “from many sides” after essentially retracting several of his previous Charlottesville comments in Tuesday’s bizarre press conference. His off the cuff remarks on Tuesday seemed to reset his stance to the “many sides” one he held on Saturday. All of this flip-flopping left journalists completely dumbfounded — but they weren’t the only ones.

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According to one writer, the conference caused the folks in the “Late Show With Stephen Colbert” writer’s room to completely throw out the script they’d been working on for that evening’s show, and write a new one from scratch.

The conference concluded shortly before the show was due to start taping, and so it was that the day after the “Late Show” host dictated a list of things President Trump appears to dislike more than Nazis, Colbert was forced to double down on his efforts, and he laid into the president once again for his evident reluctance to fully condemn white supremacists.

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“He held a press conference today, in I believe the seventh circle of hell,” Colbert joked. He then mocked Trump for claiming that he likes to “wait for the facts” before speaking, highlighting the various fibs he has told since he became president, such “illegal voters” and the size of his inauguration crowd.

“Honestly, if the press were not fake, and if it was honest, the press would have said what I said was very nice,” Trump said at the conference.

“And if you were a better president, you would have said something very nice,” the host fired back.

Colbert also disagreed with the president’s belief that “the white supremacist alt-right” and what Trump referred to as the “alt-left” deserved equal blame. “First of all, sir, the opposite of alt-right isn’t the alt-left, it’s the not-Nazis,” he said.

This humorous piece about Steve Bannon’s resumé also ran during the same episode:

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