Hilarious Video Captures Little Girl Screaming “I Sh*t My Pants!”

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While we’ve probably all had “accidents,” it’s unlikely that we all handled the unfortunate occurrence with such elegance and grace as this one little girl in Missouri did. And thankfully, the cameras were rolling to capture the sweet, pure, and unadulterated moment.

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The amusingly comical video shows this audaciously daring child screaming at the top her little lungs, “I sh*t my pants!” with frankness and boldness we can all admire. Her mom, surprised but intrigued, intuitively described her daughter’s choice of words:

My daughter was yelling ‘Mom!’ from the other room. I happened to be snap chatting my best-friend and decided to record her response. I caught the video all by chance and have been laughing ever since. After the fact, my boyfriend had a talk with her about using ‘bad’ words, and her only response to him was that ‘they’re just words, words can’t be bad.’ So I decided to share the original video that night expecting my friends and family to get a good laugh out of it.

Maybe the most precious part was her innocent approach to foul language: “They’re just words, words can’t be bad.” We’re hoping that this youngster holds onto that innocence for as long she can. It might help to teach her that not everyone feels the same way about words, though.

Little kids are supposed to be adorable, but they don’t receive enough praise for how ruthlessly and savagely hilarious they can be. And the best part about their abilities to be so crudely comedic, is that it’s normally done in complete sweet innocence. However, what’s worse for parents is probably that humbling, but gut-wrenching, feeling that creeps up inside in wondering where their kids could’ve possibly learned such things.

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on January 20, 2018.

Watch: Toddler Hilarious Outwits Parents by Scaling 2 Baby Gates in Escape

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