How lefties want to dominate everyone through systems like Obamacare

Bill Ayres/AP Photo

Since lefties and Marxists do nothing but talk about exploitation, domination and marginalization, and devise ways to liberate and emancipate the dominated from their marginalization, you’d think they would have learned something about domination by now.

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But no. Everything that lefties attempt to do in politics requires a centralized government system. And system is domination.

They have managed to create in Obamacare a system that is so dominatory, it has even caught senior aides of Democratic congressmen in its maw. Imagine! The “older staff” in the office of Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) find that their health insurance costs are “3-4 times what they were paying before,” under Obamacare.

Way to go, Barry. Politics is supposed to be about rewarding your supporters, not punishing them!

What do I mean by “system is domination?” Liberal academic Jonathan Gruber demands everyone be subject to the domination of a single health care system, including the lucky ones with good genes.

The only way to end that discriminatory system is to bring everyone into the system and pay one fair price. That means that the genetic winners, the lottery winners who’ve been paying an artificially low price because of this discrimination now will have to pay more in return.

It’s shocking that an educated lefty like Gruber should call for a one-size-fits-all “system,” because lefty intellectuals realized over 50 years ago that all systems are dominatory. I am talking about the Frankfurt School and Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno.  They realized that the Enlightenment and its thirst for knowledge was not really about knowledge for its own sake. It was all about dominating nature and other men. And lefties are opposed to domination.

How do they get around this problem? You get Jürgen Habermas, Adorno’s student. He accepts that a “system” is always “strategic,” a program of power that is always trying to dominate nature and other men.  he authoritarian welfare state is an example of such a strategic system. Habermas called for balancing systems with “lifeworld,” the sociable and truth-seeking back and forth of ordinary human-to-human communication.

Anthony Giddens, ex-British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s lefty sociological guru, doesn’t know quite what to make of Habermas. He worries about the choices that people in a non-dominatory lifeworld situation would actually make.

See the problem? Our ruling class overlords are worried that the free choices we make might not be suitable.  So to be on the safe side, they’d impose their one-size-fits-all systems on everyone else.

Then there’s another problem with systems, as we have seen in the Obamacare rollout: things keep going wrong, and President Obama keeps issuing executive orders contrary to the letter of the law in the 900-odd pages of Obamacare as passed by Congress.

There’s settled science about all of that. If you set up a system, whether it’s a government program or a business plan or a battle plan, the system will be invalidated on the day you start implementation. That’s because no battle plan ever survives first contact with the enemy.

With a business or a battle, this “fog of war” is just the cost of doing business or fighting a battle. But when the government keeps changing the rules and violating the law on its health care system, it’s not just systematic domination.

It’s flat out injustice.

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