A man posing as a cop picked the worst possible car to pull over on I-95, and we can’t stop laughing

CBS Miami/screenshot

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It’s plain-as-day obvious that posing as a law enforcement officer isn’t going to end well, but one Florida man apparently thought that having a Crown Victoria, a BB gun and a siren would be enough to fool anyone.

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And that might have been the case, if 46-year-old Floridan man Marcos Pacheco-Bustamante hadn’t pulled over a Miami-Dade Police Officer Alton Martin, who, though in an unmarked car, was in full uniform.


Officer Martin believed he was being stopped by a police officer and pulled over on I-95 when he saw Pacheco-Bustamante’s green Crown Victoria and heard police sirens.


Detective Jennifer Capote detailed the incident for WSVN.

One of the Miami-Dade Police detectives working the overnight, an off-duty, in full uniform, he was driving his unmarked vehicle heading northbound on I-95 when all of a sudden a green Crown Victoria gets behind him.

He gets out of his vehicle while he’s in full uniform, so now he approaches the Crown Victoria and realizes this guy — there’s something wrong. He doesn’t look like a cop, so he immediately takes this gentlemen into custody.

Pacheco-Bustamante also had a holster and a BB gun that looked like a real gun in the car.


Although he wasn’t shy about pulling people over or admitting that he’d done it before because “he doesn’t like it when people are texting” or “speeding,” he was shy about answering questions from the press.


“I’m not going to say anything. Enough. Leave me alone, please. I didn’t stop anybody. Enough,” he said in Spanish. “You guys are really aggravating me. What I don’t want is to go back in there,” namely jail.

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As a result of his embarrassing fiasco, Pacheco-Bustamante has been charged with impersonating a police officer.

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