The ‘Coronavirus Piñata’ Being Amazon’s Best-Seller Is the Least Surprising Thing of 2020

coronavirus piñata


At this point, almost everyone and their mom are breaking social distancing rules to have small get-togethers. I get it, it’s hard to stay away from loved ones during lockdown, but having an actual COVID-themed party, what the hell? Why is this a thing?

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Apparently, Amazon’s best-selling piñata is a coronavirus piñata. That’s right, your 8-year-old daughter can have her very own COVID-19 piñata at her birthday party or Christmas party. I guess when other countries said the United States wasn’t doing much to strike down the COVID-19 pandemic, this is what we came up with.

Coronavirus Piñata

I just know Dr. Fauci would roll his eyes at this thing. Imagine bashing this piñata the day we finally get a vaccine. Well y’all, order your blindfolds (and face masks) because it looks like this piñata is going to be a hit at family gatherings this year. I wonder if people ordered these for Cinco de Mayo and Halloween parties.



Okay, I have a pretty big imagination, and I like to think there are hundreds of scenarios why this coronavirus piñata became Amazon’s best-seller. My favorite theory is that people might have actually bought this piñata for loved ones who beat the virus. I mean, if I got COVID and someone asked me to break it, I probably would.

Of course, we don’t need any more coronavirus cases, so don’t be one of those idiots who throws a huge party for the hell of it so you can use this piñata.


I bet piñata makers are punching the air thinking, “Why didn’t I think of this first!?” You snooze, you lose. I wonder what’s next. Coronavirus-themed birthday cakes and ice cream? Coronavirus-themed amusement park rides? 2020 just keeps getting weirder.

COVID-19 cases are still ongoing, so be careful if you gather with family anytime soon. Wear your masks to grocery stores and wash your hands.

Watch: The ’Ride-On Donald Trump’ Costume is Going to Be a Hit This Halloween

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