Country music star Kacey Musgraves throws best birthday party ever for girl with incurable cancer

Country musician Kacey Musgraves took time out of her busy touring schedule to host a party for a special little girl.

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According to Country Outfitter, Logan Todd, 3, is battling an aggressive, incurable brain stem glioma, and faces a grim prognosis. Todd is expected to live only six to 12 more months.

Musgraves worked with the nonprofit organization Love Your Melon to make Todd’s birthday extra special. Stephen Salyers captured the entire story, with images from the party, on hisTumblr and Instagram pages.

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In addition to tiaras and cupcakes, Musgraves chatted with Todd about Disney princesses and also performed for the birthday girl.

Todd danced while Musgraves sang in a sweet moment posted on Instagram.

The Todd family has established a GoFundMe page for donations.

Musgraves wrote on her Facebook page, “So happy we got to meet little Logan. She brightened my day maybe even more than I brightened hers.”

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