Senate candidate Greg Brannon talks about guns, the Fed and delivering 9,000 babies

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Kurt Wallace: Our guest today on Rare is Dr. Greg Brannon, OBGYN for over 20 years. He is running for U.S. Senate in North Carolina. He’s had endorsements from Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), and FreedomWorks. Dr. Brannon, thanks for being with us today on Rare.

Greg Brannon: Kurt, thank you very much for the opportunity. I truly appreciate it.

Kurt Wallace: Why have you decided to run for U.S. Senate? Are the wacko birds that irresistible?

Greg Brannon: Yeah, the reason is you look at Senator Lee and Senator Paul, Senator Cruz, FreedomWorks and Matt Kibbe, they’re fighting on the front lines for our liberty. I was thinking to myself, I’ve been honored to deliver around 9,000 babies. I have 7 children. About 5-6 years ago it just played on my heart that if my generation does not stand up, and me particularly – if I do not stand up – we’re going to pass on a less-free America. And I will not be part of that generation that sits on the sidelines. This is something we must stand for. George Washington the amount of tyranny you’ll accept is the amount you will live under, and I understand now what the whole idea pledging our life our fortune and our sacred honor is all about. That’s not what’s occurring today.

Kurt Wallace: Well, you’re a Constitutional Conservative. You care about liberty. Your opponent, Thom Tillis, is Speaker of the House in North Carolina. What is it that separates you from your opponent on the issues?

Greg Brannon: Well, really clearly, what happens is that this whole race is simply about bad issues. When we look at people every 2, 4, 6 years — whenever we run for office — they always come back and say we’re Constitutionals. “Well, let’s look at his record.” It’s all about record. “He’s for public-private partnerships. He’s for using that content for toll roads. He’s for Common Core.” When actually, about Obamacare, he was quoted saying, “It’s actually a very good idea, we just can’t afford it.” He’s also said, “It’s not if we have Obamacare, it’s how we implement it.” In fact, under his leadership in the North Carolina House, he actually put a bill together for state exchange. It was the state Senate that stopped that. That is not conservatism. That is not conscious of principles. The Constitution is really clear. Those six pages limit the federal government. They do not restrain the individual, they restrain the government. And the Bill of Rights does not grant one single right. It declares God-given natural rights. And I believe his having not a clear understanding of 9th Amendment or 10th Amendment – and more importantly Article VI, Clause II has shown — that that ignorance had actually jeopardized the citizens of North Carolina’s true individual liberty.

Kurt Wallace: We have news coming out of the Federal Reserve. Let’s discuss economic problems for a moment. Janet Yellen, out of the gate, talks about raising interest rates. As a U.S. Senator, what will you do regarding the Fed?

Greg Brannon: Well, I believe the Fed should be audited. By doing the auditing I think we’ll expose to actually what it’s role is – it should be eliminated. We don’t need a central bank. Our founders warned about a central bank. A scary thing about the Fed is if the cent goes and the tax reform goes properly, the IRS should go away as well. If you think about it, Obamacare is actually enforced — enforced — by the IRS. So going back on this one. When you look at our history, from the coinage after 1792 to that dreadful day December 23, 1913 — when the Fed passed — our dollar increased in value, over 120-130 years, roughly 17 percent. That’s our Gold Standard. Since 1914, today — depends on which literature you write — our dollar has devalued 96 to 99 percent. A fiat currency was actually debated, at length, in Philadelphia in 1787 and our founders voted 9 to 2 for a Gold Standard. If we fixed our currency, we only have a currency backed as good as gold, I think that will actually, then the economy truly blow out. But the Federal role is not to do this. This idea that private banks became interest rates that manipulates the economy. That’s unacceptable.

Kurt Wallace: Dr. Greg Brannon, we really appreciate you spending some time with us today. Where did you come up with that cool idea for the hunting-gear-camo-campaign hats?

Greg Brannon: Well, I’ll not take credit for that — that’s our team. But North Carolina is particularly a microcosm of the United States. This may be one. We have our hunters, we have our outdoors men, we have our bankers, we have our RTPs, we have our educators. We have the variety of North Carolina’s phenomenal. Our campaign – I think the camo hat is actually a great example of what our campaign is based upon: the winning coalition of many won. And that’s just another segment of who we are.

I’ve been backed by Gun Owners of America, National Association of Gun Rights and [Dudley] W. Brown. The 2nd Amendment today is not an option. It is a First Law of Natural Law, so it really ties into our campaign very well.

Kurt Wallace: Dr. Brannon, thank you for spending some time with us today on Rare.

Greg Brannon: My honor Kurt. Have a very nice day and understand individual liberty we do have with constitutional restraint. I really appreciate it.

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