From “Florida Man” to strange animals found in back yards, Florida is known for generating memorable stories. Here are the five most read Florida stories in 2015.
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Woman goes to church, finds out her husband is newly married
Miltha Plaisimond, 57, was sitting in church in April listening to her pastor announcing new marriages during the announcements portion of the service. It was then that she found out her husband of 21 years, Patrick Celicourt, was married to another woman, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

“When it became time for the announcements on the altar, they announced that my father ‘Patrick Celicourt’ was newly married to another woman while still being married,” the couple’s daughter wrote in a Sheriff’s Office report. Plaisimond went looking a found a marriage license issued a month prior bearing the names of her husband and another woman, according to The Sentinel.
She brought copies of both marriage licenses to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, leading to the arrest of Celicourt on charges of bigamy and making false statements, the Sentinel added.
It is unclear whether the pastor knew of the original marriage at the time of the announcement, the Sentinel reported.
Shark found lurking in Florida man’s backyard
Go ahead and file this under the ‘things you don’t ever want to see in your backyard’ category.
A Bonita Springs, Florida resident got a shock when he looked outside and saw an 8- to 9-foot-long bull shark swimming in the backyard of his condo.
Richard Frey told WINK-TV: “I’m worried. I won’t let our grandkids go in the water. Someone is going to be attacked here.”
Florida man gets year in jail for running over 9 ducklings with a lawn mower
A man who intentionally slaughtered nine baby ducks by driving a lawnmower over them has pleaded guilty to felony animal-cruelty charges and was sentenced to a year in Palm Beach County Jail.

Circuit Court Judge Glenn Kelley sentenced Jason Scott Falbo II, 24, of The Acreage to a combined three years of probation on these nine charges as well as a domestic battery charge from an incident a month before the killing of the ducks. The first of those years will be spent in the jail.
“They should have just thrown away the keys,” Boyd Jentzsch, the resident who called Palm Beach County Animal Care & Control about the slaying of the ducks, said Saturday when told of Falbo’s sentence. “There is no justification for what he’s done,” Jentzsch said.
“I thought he was going to run over my toes,” Jentzsch said. “He wasn’t even cutting the grass. … He went right toward (the ducklings) and veered to the left.”
“They were in my path, so I just kept mowing,” the police report quoted Falbo as saying.
Flesh-eating bacteria in Florida
The Vibrio vulnificus bacterium, a form of flesh-eating bacteria was found on Florida beaches earlier this year and led to at least 2 deaths.
Another man blamed the loss of his leg on such bacteria.
3-woman brawl in line at Disney caught on camera
Three women were caught on cellphone video in a full-fledged brawl while waiting in line at Disney’s Test Track at Epcot Saturday night, said the man who recorded the incident.
Ray Przybysz recorded the incident on his cellphone. The video was sent to WFTV.
The video shows the three women beating and screaming at each other, with one of them using an umbrella as a weapon Przybysz said.
Przybysz did not say what led to the fight.
At one point, a Disney employee tried to break up the brawl but he was pushed away.
Przybysz said the women were eventually escorted out by Disney personnel.