Biden Let 169 Terrorists into U.S. So Far This Year

Democrats love open borders, but only here in the United States.  They repeat ridiculous, nonsensical slogans such as “walls don’t work” and “walls are racist.”  As far as Democrats are concerned, in other places around the world where walls and fences protect national borders… well, those walls aren’t racist and they all work just fine.

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We all know why Democrats have been pushing for open borders.  The Marxist teat from which they suckle states that the best way to destroy capitalist nations and institute neo-feudalism (with themselves and their RINO buddies as the elite ruling class) is to eliminate the sense of national unity from the people they are targeting.  Open borders let Democrats flood the country with people who are more interested in sending money back to their families than they are assimilating and joining the rest of us as productive, loyal Americans.

Of course, nobody can blame people for wanting to support their families. We Americans try to do that every day, and it certainly has gotten a lot harder since Biden took office. Unfortunately for these mainly non-white illegal immigrants, Democrats like to justify their presence by saying these people are being paid for pennies on the dollar, passing the cost savings onto the rest of us.  But Democrats have never shied away from making non-white peoples work for less money than white people, or no money at all.  They even started a deadly Civil War to do it.

But not only have Democrats made the economy less productive, they’re also trying to make us less secure.  With only nine months of 2023 complete, Joe Biden and the Democrats have already let at least 169 terrorists into the country – and those are just the ones they caught.  Democrats never let a crisis go to waste, even if they have to create it themselves.

By comparison, 11 terrorists entered the country through the southern border when Donald Trump was in office.  And it wasn’t 11 terrorists over a nine-month period… it was 11 over the entire four years of his presidency.

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