Ohio Father Books 6 Flights to Spend Christmas With Flight Attendant Daughter


Christmas is the time of year when families get together for two or three days and spend some quality time. But, what do you do when your loved one works for an airline over the holidays? Well, you follow this father’s move!

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An Ohio father went to great lengths to spend the holidays with his daughter, who is a flight attendant for Delta Airlines. 25-year-old Pierce Vaughan had to work for several flights throughout Christmas Eve and Day, so naturally, her father Hal Vaughan decided to go to great lengths to spend those special days with her so she wouldn’t have to be alone.

What exactly did he do? Hal bought a total of 6 plane tickets to spend the holiday with her in the sky! Pierce’s story quickly went viral after a passenger, Mike Levy, who was seated next to the father on one of the flights, shared his story on Facebook. The post read, “I had the pleasure of sitting next to Hal on my flight back home. His daughter Pierce was our flight attendant who had to work over Christmas. Hal decided he would spend the holiday with her. So, he is flying on each of her flights today and tomorrow around the country to spend time with his daughter for Christmas. What a fantastic father! Wish you both a very Merry Christmas!”

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Mike Levy shared a photo of himself with Hal, as well as a photo of Pierce in her flight attendant uniform. Hal’s main goal was to spend the holiday with his daughter no matter the cost or the length of the trips. Delta Airlines released a statement saying they appreciate all of their employees who work during the holidays to serve the customers. They were happy the father had the chance to spend Christmas with his daughter, even while crossing the country at 30,000 feet.

Pierce also posted about her dad’s holiday travel on Christmas day, tagging her mom Kimberly on Facebook. She thanked every employee who made the experience not only possible, but better than what the duo could have hoped for. The father even received a special “Christmas miracle” by being upgraded to first class for one a flight between Fort Myers and Detroit.
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Hal did state that navigating through all the airports and getting on all fights on time was challenging, but definitely worth it to be with his daughter. It’s safe to say it can be quite a drag working during Christmas or Christmas Eve, but leave it to your loved ones to always put a smile on your face and help you celebrate it the best way you can.

Levy’s post has been shared more than 39,000 times, and it’s easy to see why. The power of Christmas and family is truly amazing.

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