Kevin Costner’s Estranged Wife Wants More Than $51K a Month in Child Support

Lionel Hahn/Getty Images

Kevin Costner just can’t stay out of the news for all the wrong reasons. He has reportedly finalized his divorce with Yellowstone and is clearly hard at work on one with his wife.

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Both are seemingly ugly.

Aside from the possibility that Costner won’t return to Yellowstone to finish Season 5 (as we relayed here), his soon-to-be-ex, Christine Baumgartner, is using child support to make their split sting a little more. At least, that’s how some are viewing it.


Per TMZ, Costner is offering more than $51,000 a month in child support — but that amount is not nearly enough for Baumgartner, court documents show.

Christine suggested that there’s no way their children can live off $52K a month, not when you taken into account the lifestyle they have become accustomed to. Kevin has alleged she is trying to get more child support not for the children, but to help her own plastic surgeries.

Not so, Christine fired back in the documents.


“Kevin’s estranged wife says the kids are used to having a team of people hired to maintain the home and the property … including assistants and helpers who handle schedules, grocery shopping, food prep, cleaning and cooking,” TMZ wrote.

Christine is seeking nearly $250,000 a month from Kevin to give her kids the life they need, documents showed.

“Christine allocates 60% of expenses such as private trainer, unallocated credit-card expenses, and her plastic surgery to the minor children without any explanation or basis,” one court document reads. “The children do not use the services of private trainers, only Christine does.”

There’s more, with Costner alleging “the plastic surgery expenses of $188,500/month belong to Christine — not the children.”

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