This is one of the most awkward ways for a state governor to prove they have no idea what the word ‘diversity’ means

In a political climate where it seems to easy to be left speechless at the shallow, hallow, and just straight-up confusing actions but some of this country’s elected officials, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner managed to continue to stir things up.

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At the Thompson Center on Wednesday at a event promoting workplace diversity led by Hyatt Hotels diversity and inclusion executive Tyronne Stoudemire, the two decided to act out a rather unfortunate metaphor about the lack of diversity hiring.

Stoudemire, who is black, poured a glass of milk for Rauner, noting that the milk represents the skin color of most leaders of organizations.

“This chocolate syrup represents diversity,” said Stoudemire and added some syrup to the milk. “When you look at most organizations, diversity sits at the bottom of the organization,” Stoudemire added. “You don’t get inclusion until you actually stir it up.”

After taking Stoudemire’s advice and mixing things up, Rauner took a sip. “It’s really, really good,” he said. “Diversity!”

While the Chicago Tribune notes that Stoudemire has been using this analogy for 16 years at various corporate events, it is Rauner that has become the face for this humiliating and embarrassing spectacle.

And naturally, the Internet had a field day with it.

Tio Hardiman, who is runnning for governor himself even commented on the event.

The sad thing is at least Rauner is evening attempting to try at understanding what diversity means. Jeanne Ives who is running against Rauner on the Republican ticket recently released one of the most racist and homophobic campaign ads one couldn’t even imagine in the deepest throes of a fever dream.

And this shouldn’t need to be said, but at least Rauner isn’t a Nazi, like Arthur Jones who is running unopposed in the state’s 3rd Congressional District.

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For better or worse, the crowd at the Thompson Center wasn’t hating on the milk drinking. Apparently, they were lapping it up.

Take a look for yourself:

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