Service Dog Jumps In Excitement After Seeing His Mom Walk Again

The disabled owner of a service dog named Piper recently celebrated him turning 5 years old.

Piper is a very, very good boy.

Videos by Rare

The disabled owner of the service dog recently celebrated her priceless service dog turning 5 years old on Instagram.

To be sure, the owner, whose name is Cienna, did Piper’s birthday up right. More than 761,000 users on Instagram liked the video she posted of Piper helping her walk.

Her delightful tribute clip captured Piper excitedly helping Cienna. She is affected by a condition called hypokalemic periodic paralysis, Newsweek reports.

Cienna on August 8 joyfully detailed how her service dog Piper has helped her over the years.

“Piper has been stuck by my side through it all and this was his first time seeing me walk in years! Piper is my medical alert and mobility service dog, trained exactly for what I need to mitigate my disabilities by @miservicedogs. Now Piper will always prefer a roll to a walk because I can go much faster, my health is more stable, and I am WAY more fun. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t over the moon seeing me take a few steps!”

Service Dog Piper Is ‘By My Side,’ Owner Says

Cienna continued about the service dog: “Piper was one of the first beings on this planet to know I wasn’t breathing on my own. He has been by my side through getting my diaphragm pacemaker, learning to live with it, hiking Arizona and surfing the east coast, alerting to my hypokalemic periodic paralysis, having my ROHHAD come for me, in and out of the ICU, adjusting to me being a 100% non-ambulatory wheelchair user, always learning new tasks to mitigate my health, and now seeing me start to take my first few steps! I don’t know what I would do without you Pip! Happy Birthday!!!!”

If you’re saying “TMI” to yourself, then you’re in the minority. More than 761,000 users on Instagram liked the heartwarming video.

Someone give that very special service dog a treat.

(For guidance on what to do if a service dog approaches you without its owner, go here.)

Read More: Police Officer Saves Dog Drowning in Frozen Pond

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