Model Courtney Clenney Arrested on Suspicion of Murdering Boyfriend

OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney, 26, has been arrested in Hawaii on suspicion of murdering her boyfriend Christian Obumseli.

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Clenney was arrested by U.S. Marshals in Laupahoehoe, Hawaii for second-degree murder with a deadly weapon. She is now awaiting extradition to Miami where she will face charges of killing her boyfriend, Christian Obumseli, 27.

She allegedly stabbed Obumseli to death at their luxury apartment in the One Paraiso building in Edgewater, Miami, on April 3 2022.

Clenney originally pleaded self-defense when she was found covered in blood at the scene. Cops didn’t pursue her for the crime at the time.

Her lawyer, Frank Prieto said: ‘I’m completely shocked, especially since we were cooperating with the investigation and offered to voluntarily surrender her if she were charged. We look forward to clearing her name in court.’

A history of violence

Obumseli was killed four months ago from a stab wound to the chest. It punctured an artery and caused his death.

This isn’t the first incident between Clenney and Obumseli. There’s a shocking video doing the rounds showing influencer Clenney pounding the elevator controls before turning her rage onto her boyfriend Obumseli.

In the video, you see Clenney hitting the controls and then slap her boyfriend before pushing him multiple times while he tried to calm her down.

She then jumped and grabbed his hair from behind while punching him in the side of the head.

Prosecutors released the video to demonstrate that Clenney was predisposed to anger and that Obumseli was the victim and not the aggressor.

There is evidence that the couple would have furious arguments that would end violently.

In one incident from when the couple lived in Austin, Texas, Clenney ended up throwing a huge painting over her balcony in a fit of rage.

Neighbors interviewed after the even said the couple would argue loudly and violently late at night. The relationship was so disruptive, neighbors were apparently trying to get the couple evicted.

Does it add up?

According to the arrest report, Clenney claimed she killed Obumseli in self-defense. 

She said he had pushed her down and thrown her to the floor. Clenney said she then picked up the knife and threw it at Obumseli when he was standing 10 feet away.

The medical examiner, Kenneth Hutchins, disagreed with that story. The medical report says the knife wound was not caused by a thrown knife and certainly not from 10 feet away.

The knife was pointed slightly downwards and penetrated 8 inches. That’s not a wound consistent with a knife being thrown.

At the time of writing, authorities are in the process of extraditing Clenney from Hawaii to Miami for trial.

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  1. Looks like she’s bleeding from the mouth. Only speculation, but he could have slapped or punched her in the elevator, knowing that there were no cameras inside and we’re only seeing her reaction to it. Also, he seems to be taunting her and not in a full defensing posture, also knowing that he is in front of cameras now and should be wise in not throwing any punches.

  2. You would only think to see some blood, or speculate what happened before you saw her endless pushes, punches, and grabs🤣… the truth isn’t in you😉… you sound biased and racist in your observations… lemme guess… trump supporter right?… alternative facts right? … right ! 😑…other real witnesses named her the aggressor but your “fear the clever Blackman whose nit hitting her in camera bull is astonishing!!!

    • I supported Trump but this bitch needs to rot in jail. I feel so bad for that guy. He had his whole life ahead of him. She’s disgusting. I’m just telling you this because we aren’t all bad people.

  3. I find it f*cking ridiculous that someone comments – merely suggesting there are 2 sides to the story (and perhaps we just haven’t seen everything.)- and they are labeled “racist” and “biased.”. Not ONE word in the man’s comment was racist AT ALL. having an opinion that doesn’t go with the narrative that’s being created causes some IDIOT turns him into a right wing supremacist Trump supporter. This is just about the most disgusting display of ignorance I’ve witnessed. I am embarrassed to admit I was once liberal, it’s so ridiculous to immediately label someone like this, simply because their input doesn’t agree with your narrative. A narrative based on camera footage that doesn’t show everything that went on. We should be encouraging an environment where the truth is sought in any situation, regardless of the outcome and whether it agrees with the popular opinion or some liberal b.s. This is not the place to start with political babble anyway. This ridiculous liberal rant that repeatedly reads into and misrepresents average people’s words and labels them “racist” and other hot words has got to go. It’s being taken too far and it’s creating situations where you are creating hate by calling ppl racist, simply for having white skin and an opinion that doesn’t agree with yours. This is the kind of ignorance that only fosters more hate and separation, and it’s all based on incorrect and delusional bias and not facts. This is embarrassing, as a human, that people like this continue to repeat this garbage. And no. I’m not a racist Trump supporter, either. Trump is ridiculous and so is the opposing liberal crap that labels everyone and encourages the very hate they accuse others of. You should be ashamed of yourself, encouraging this kind of hate speech that has no basis in reality.

    • If the tables were turned we wouldn’t be having this discussion
      The media is controlled by capitalism, which means the right (conservative) side of the political spectrum. A black man being murdered by a white woman , hot or not, is automatically an example of white privilege.
      I am no fan of white collar white people (especially disingenuous upper-midde class and up white liberals, most of whom live in overwhelmingly NON-HISPANIC WHITE school districts) but I also resent white trash people from butler county Pennsylvania or Polk and Escambia County Florida.
      Political correctness is a problem… but not on this forum

  4. She is white trash. Any white girl who posts “I only date rich black guys” has daddy issues and missed a lot of hugs. if it was all one-sided…… he is not blameless and should have got out of there long ago(there is no virtue in NOT running out of a burning building!)
    The bitch is probably a control freak whose beauty is no match for her lack of intellectual curiosity.
    Its hard for me to imagine killing an unarmed person by knife
    In ‘self-defense’

    Yes they deserve to die! And I hope they burn in hell!

  5. If the tables were turned we wouldn’t be having this discussion
    The media is controlled by capitalism, which means the right (conservative) side of the political spectrum. A black man being murdered by a white woman , hot or not, is automatically an example of white privilege.
    I am no fan of white collar white people (especially disingenuous upper-midde class and up white liberals, most of whom live in overwhelmingly NON-HISPANIC WHITE school districts) but I also resent white trash people from butler county Pennsylvania or Polk and Escambia County Florida.
    Political correctness is a problem… but not on this forum

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