Police Warn Residents of ‘Creepy’ Cookie Monster Terrorizing City

If you see the Cookie Monster coming, keep in mind he may want more than just a guy who wants cookies. He may be more of a monster.

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At least, that’s the warning from police in Santa Cruz, Calif., who have told citizens to beware of someone dressed in a “creepy” Cookie Monster costume. The individual, police said, has a history of troubling behavior.

Dressing up like the Cookie Monster should be a dead giveaway, of course.

Anyway, the man in the costume, according to police, is oddly enough named Adam Sandler — but is not the famous actor/comedian Adam Sandler.

This one is not an actor but he is acting strange, police suggested in a statement. For starters, he supposedly is hustling parents to have him pose for pictures with their kids, as you know, the Cookie Monster.

A Cookie Warning!

“Santa Cruz Police Department have received calls and emails from people who say he is ‘creepy’ and his presence and comments make them uncomfortable,” the statement reads.

“Based on Adam Sandler’s history across the country, the Santa Cruz Police Department advises the public not to engage with this individual and steer clear of him.”

This Sandler has not committed a crime, police said, but has a history of … well, acting weird. Or in the words of the police, “a history of unpredictable comments and troublesome behavior.”

In other words, if you live in California and see the Cookie Monster coming, or a man introduces himself as Adam Sandler, it may be best to just walk away.

“Remember that SCPD advises the public not to interact with this person in the cookie monster costume due to his history of unpredictable vulgar comments and troublesome behavior,” police said.

“It is important to note he is not employed by, contracted by, or permitted by the City of Santa Cruz or any local business on the Wharf or surrounding areas.”

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