Florida Man’s Digging Turns Beach Into Cascading River, Alerting Police

On another lovely day on a pristine Florida beach, a visitor was enjoying time in the warm sand. He began digging a little trench in the sand as one does, however the results were far more wild than anyone anticipated.

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The project was begun by a determined man whose name is yet to be revealed. He started the project for the heck of it while on his vacation to Florida. Many people enjoy creating sand castles while at the beach and others get in trouble for digging dangerous holes in the sand; this guy took all of that to the next level.

The Daily Mail reported that the man was allegedly trying to connect a small nearby canal, across the beach to the Gulf. Soon after he had begun the project, the man attracted lots of attention. His trench brought in people from around the beach, as they looked on in curiosity.

Florida Beach Recreation Turns Beach Into Cascading River Alerting Police


After an hour of hard work and relentless digging, the trench was making serious headway. By this point the trench was one to two feet deep in most places and water from the canal was beginning to seep through it. Following more digging, some of the spectators began to dip their feet in the newly made stream. Not much later, the man had redirected a large portion of the canal into the Gulf and his trench was flowing rapidly. The fun in the sand that started as a small trench had turned into a short, raging river, hand made in the USA I might add.

The quality trench building was all fun and games until the livelihood of fellow beachgoers and trench users were at stake. The police then caught wind of the man-made flooding river and came to shut it down. Thankfully no injuries were reported.

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